2014 Molecular Psychiatry Meeting Schedule
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7:45 to 9:45 AM Concurrent Session 1
Pacific Room D+E
Memory Suppressors, Memory Engrams, and Forgetting: Ron Davis, Chair, and Joe Tsien, Co-Chair
Joe Tsien, Georgia Regents University: The Conserved Functional Connectivity Motifs Across the Brain’s Memory Circuits
Christina Alberini, New York University: From Memory Suppression to the Development of PTSD-like Phenotypes in Rats
Ron Davis, Scripps Research Institute Florida: Memory Suppressors and Forgetting
Xu Liu, Northwestern University: Optogenetic Manipulations of Memory Engrams
7:45 to 9:45 AM Concurrent Session 2
Pacific Room B+C
Novel Model Systems in Mental Illness: Ben Cheyette, Chair and David Krantz, Co-Chair
Lucia Carvelli, University of North Dakota: C. Elegans as a Model System to Study Drug Addiction
David Krantz, UCLA: Analysis of Neurotransmitter Release and Drug Development in Drosophila
Ellen Hoffman, Yale: Functional Analysis of Genes in Autism in a Zebrafish Model
Benjamin Cheyette, UCSF: Mouse Models for Psychiatry Based on SNPs in Wnt Pathway Genes
9:45 to 10:00 AM Break
10:00 to 12:00 PM Concurrent Session 1
Pacific Room D+E
Elucidating the Disease Function of Psychiatric Genetic Risk Variants: Tracey Petryshen, Chair and Neville Sanjana, Co-Chair
Tracey Petryshen, Harvard/Massachusetts General Hospital: Diverse Brain Functions of the Ankyrin 3 Bipolar Disorder Risk Gene
Omer Durak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: CHD8, an Autism Spectrum Disorder Risk Gene, Regulates Neurogenesis and Wnt Signaling
Bryan Luikart, Dartmouth Medical School: The Impact of Pten Mutations on Neuronal Form and Function – A Model for Autism
Neville Sanjana, MIT and Broad Institute: Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout Screening in Human Cells
10:00 to 12:00 PM Concurrent Session 2
Pacific Room B+C
Genetics of Mood Disorders: Fernando Goes, Chair and Peter Zandi, Co-Chair
Nelson Freimer, University of California, Los Angeles: Family Sequencing of Bipolar Disorder
Eli Stahl, Mt Sinai: Current Status of Rare and Common Variation in Bipolar Disorder
Kelly Benke, Johns Hopkins: Rare Variant Discovery Using Whole Genome Sequencing of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Pedigrees from the Azorean Islands.
Dick McCombie, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Sequencing of Major Depressive Disorder Families
12:00 to 1:30 PM Lunch (on your own)
1:30 to 2:30 PM Plenary
Pacific Room D+E
Chemical and Synthetic Neurobiology: Bryan Roth, University of North Carolina. Introduction: Daniel Weinberger
2:30 to 2:45 PM Break
2:45 to 4:45 PM Concurrent Session 1
Pacific Room D+E
Neural Network Dysfunction across the Mood Disorders Spectrum in Youth and Adults: Jair Soares, Chair and Kiki Change, Co-Chair
Melissa DelBello, University of Cincinnati: The Neuroprogression of Prefrontal Dysfunction in Youth With and At-Risk for Developing Mania
Kiki Chang, Stanford University: Brain Morphometric and Functional Characteristics of Youth With Mood Disorders Secondary to Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS)
Wayne Drevets, Laureate Institute for Brain Research: Precedence, Persistence and Relationship to Treatment of Negative Emotional Processing Biases in Major Depressive Disorder
Jair Soares, University of Texas Medical School, Houston: Bipolar Disorders – From Putative Brain Mechanisms to Possible Endophenotypes
2:45 to 4:45 PM Concurrent Session 2
Pacific Room B+C
Genetics of Schizophrenia: Anil Malhotra, Chair and Bill Byerley, Co-Chair
Anil Malhotra, Genetic Factors Influencing White Matter Development in Schizophrenia
Aiden Corvin, Trinity College: Schizophrenia genomics: new strategies in the sequencing era
Bill Byerley, WGS and Identification of Schizophrenia Risk Alleles in Palau
Jim Kennedy, University of Toronto: Contrasting Different Gene Sets in Schizophrenia: Glutamate, Dopamine, Immune and Synaptic
7:45 to 9:45 AM Concurrent Session 1
Seacliff Room C+D
Neurobiology of Risk Genes for Schizophrenia: Chair, Hongjun Song and Co-Chair, Danny Weinberger
Lin Mei, Georgia University: Neuregulin/ErbB4 Regulation of Interneuron Circuitry
Amanda Law, University of Colorado Denver: AKT2 & AKT3: Roles in cognitive development and behaviors relevant to schizophrenia
Sanbing Shen, National University of Ireland: Neurodevelopmental Deficits of the Ulk4 Mutant Mice
Brady Maher, Lieber Institute: The Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder gene TCF4 Regulates Cortical Structure and Neuronal Physiology
Sandra Siegert, MIT: The schizophrenia Risk Gene MicroRNA-137 Regulates Synaptic Transmission
Zhexing Wen, Johns Hopkins University: Deficits in Core Synaptic Signatures in a Human iPSC Model of Mental Disorders
7:45 to 9:45 AM Concurrent Session 2
Seacliff Room B
Neurobiologic Pathways in Bipolar Disorder: John Nurnberger, Chair and Mark Vawter, Co-Chair
Phil Lee, Broad Institute: Pathway Analyses of PGC GWAS Data Implicate a Role of Altered Histone Methylation in Bipolar Disorder
John Nurnberger, Identification of Pathways for Bipolar disorder: A Meta-analysis
Hiroaki Tomita, Tohoku University: Glial Involvement in the Mechanism of Action of Mood stabilizers and the Pathophysiology of Bipolar Disorder
Ping-I (Daniel) Lin, Corticolimbic System and Inflammatory Genetic Factors in Emotion Arousal Associated with Bipolar Disorder
Yokesh Balaraman, Indiana University: Identification of Pathways and Target Genes in Lithium Treated Neuronal Cultures.
Geert Poelmans, Radboud University: An Integrated Molecular Landscape for Bipolar disorder: Searching for the Molecular Switch(es)
9:45 to 10:00 AM Break
10:00 to 12:00 PM Concurrent Session 1
Seacliff Room C+D
Autism Genetics: Lauren Weiss, Chair and Elise Robinson, Co-Chair Elise
Elise Robinson, Harvard University: ASD Heterogeneity: Associating Phenotypic Severity with Genetic Architecture
Dave Cutler, Emory University: Using Quantitative Genetics to Understand Male / Female Differences in Autism Susceptibility Alleles
Virpi Leppa, University of California, Los Angeles: Expanding Autism Research to Underrepresented Populations
John Constantino, Washington University: Sex, Genetic Background, and Mutational Specificity in the Transmission of Quantitative Autistic Traits
Alexandre Reymond, University of Lausanne: Chromosomal Contacts Connect Loci Associated with Autism, BMI and Head Circumference Phenotypes
10:00 to 12:00 PM Concurrent Session 2
Seacliff Room B
New Findings on the Genetics of Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders: Howard Edenberg, Chair and Cindy Ehlers, Co-Chair
Howard J Edenberg, Indiana University: Genetics of Alcoholism and Substance Dependence: Family Studies
Marissa Ehringer, University of Colorado, Boulder: Molecular Genetics of Nicotinic Receptor Genes
Cindy Ehlers, Scripps Research Institute: Contributions to Substance Dependence in Native Americans.
Ian Gizer, University of Missouri: Genetic Analysis of Cannabis Dependence in a Native American Population Using Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequence Data
12:00 to 1:30 PM Lunch (on your own)
1:30 to 2:30 PM Plenary
Pacific Room C+D
Modeling Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Human Neuropsychiatric Disease with Stem Cell Technology: Rusty Gage, Salk Institute. Introduction, John Kelsoe
2:30 to 2:45 PM Break
2:45 to 4:45 PM Concurrent Session 1
Seacliff Room C+D
Neuroimaging the Evolution of Psychosis: Chair, Raquel Gur and Co-Chair, Ruben Gur
Ruben C. Gur, University of Pennsylvania: Multimodal Imaging in a Population-Based Sample: Developmental Warning Signals Before Psychosis Hits
Carrie Bearden University of California, Los Angeles: Neuroimaging in Clinical and Genetic High Risk Studies
Cameron Carter, University of California, Davis: Imaging Functional Circuitry and Molecular Pathophysiology in First Episode Schizophrenia
Judith Ford, University of California, San Francisco: Using Simultaneously Acquired EEG and fMRI to Understand Deficits in Predictive Coding in Schizophrenia
2:45 to 4:45 PM Concurrent Session 2
Seacliff Room B
Moving from Gene to Mechanisms in Autistic Disorders: Dan Geschwind, Chair and Matt State, Co-Chair
Jim Noonan, Yale University: CDH8 Pathways
Craig Powell, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: Genetic Models of Autism: Molecules to Potential Therapeutics
Dan Geschwind, University of California, Los Angeles: CNTNAP2 Mechanisms
Richard Tsien, New York Unversity: Oxytocin Modulation of Cortical Function
7:45 to 9:45 AM Concurrent Session 1
Seacliff Room C+D
Recent Advances in the Gamma-Band Auditory Steady-State Response as a Psychosis Endophenotype: Kevin Spencer, Chair and Raymond Y. Cho, Co-Chair
Kevin M. Spencer, Harvard: Insights Into the Risk and Development of Psychosis from the ASSR
Raymond Cho, University of Texas Medical School, Houston: The Auditory Steady State Response: Tracking Gamma Oscillations in Development, Psychosis and Drug Interventions
Patrick Skosnik, Yale: It’s all in the Waves: Cannabinoids, Neural Oscillations, and Psychosis
Digavalli Sivarao, Bristol Myers Squib: Disinhibition and Inhibition: Ketamine’s Effects on the 40 Hz Auditory Steady State Response in the Awake Rat
Daniel Mathalon, University of California, San Francisco: Effects of Ketamine and Schizophrenia on Gamma Oscillations
7:45 to 9:45 AM Concurrent Session 2
Seacliff Room B
OMICS Approaches to Unravel the Complexity Psychiatric disorders: Impact on Biomarker Discovery: Chair, Daniel Martins de-Souza and Chris Turck, Co-Chair
David Glahn, Yale: Endophenotypic Complexity in Whole Genome Sequence Era
Marquis Vawter, University of California, Irvine: Mitochondrial Variants in Psychiatric Disorders
David Cotter, Royal College of Surgeons In Ireland: Insights into Schizophrenia from Proteomic Analysis of Postsynaptic Density and Olfactory Neurosphere derives Stem Cells
Cyndi Weickert, University of New South Wales: From Next Generation Sequencing of Human Brain Transcriptome to Identification of Biomarkers of Neuropathology in Blood
9:45 to 10:00 AM Break
10:00 to 12:00 PM Concurrent Session 1
Seacliff Room C+D
Early Developmental Predictors of Mental Illness Risk: Pat Levitt, Chair and Nathan Fox, Co-Chair
Mark Ansorge, Columbia University: Monoamine-Sensitive Developmental Periods Impacting Adult Emotional and Cognitive Behaviors
Kim McAllister, University of California, Davis: Maternal Infection and its Impact on Synapse Development and Function in Relation to Mental Illness Risk
Nathan Fox, University of Maryland: Early Deprivation and the Roots of Cognitive and Emotional Dysfunction
Pat Levitt, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and University of Southern California: Allostasis as a Developmental Mechanism that Leads to Mental Illness Risk
10:00 to 12:00 PM Concurrent Session 2
Seacliff Room B
Childhood Genetics: Carol Matthews, Chair and Ben Neale, Co-Chair
Ben Neale, Broad Institute: Establishing the Role of Common Variation in risk to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Jonathan Coleman, Kings College: The Genes for Treatment Study: A Therapy Genetics GWAS of Response to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Children with Anxiety Disorders
Christie Burton, The Hospital for Sick Children: A Genome Wide Association Study of Quantitative Obsessive-Compulsive Traits in a Community Based Sample of Children and Adolescents
Erika Nurmi, UCLA: Toward Individualized Treatment Matching: Pharmacogenomics in Child Psychiatry?
12:00 to 1:30 PM Lunch (on your own)
1:30 to 2:30 PM Plenary
Seacliff Room C+D
Psychiatry in the Discovery Era: How Do We Go From Genes to Targets? Tom Insel, NIMH. Introduction, Rob Malenka
2:30 to 2:45 PM Break
2:45 to 4:45 PM
Seacliff Room C+D
Gene Expression: the Rosetta Stone for Psychiatric Disorders: Bob Niculescu and Akira Sawa, Co-Chair
Daniel R. Weinberger, Lieber Institute for Brain Development: Trancriptome Dynamics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Alexander B. Niculescu, Indiana University: Next Generation Blood Gene expression Biomarkers for Psychiatric Disorders
Akira Sawa, Johns Hopkins University: SMAD Signaling and Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia: a Molecular Expression Study with Biopsied Olfactory Neurons