Stay tuned! We appreciate the feedback collected from attendees at the 9th Biennial Meeting in Hawai’i, and plans for the 2026 Meeting are in development. To receive updates, be sure to subscribe to the Molecular Psychiatry Association Email List below.


San Francisco – The Molecular Psychiatry Association has been notified of a $1.5 million pledge that will establish a trust for the society.  Future income from the trust will be targeted to support young investigator travel awards from a diversity of applicants and to help defray meeting costs.  Dr. William Byerley, Professor Emeritus at UCSF and Dr. Robert Malenka MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford, founded the Molecular Psychiatry Association in 2013.  The organization hosts a September biennial meeting in Hawaii to bring together researchers utilizing molecular techniques to study psychiatric disorders that include, but is not limited to, neurobiology, genetics, “omics”, stem cell models, brain imaging, and novel drug development.  The association was created to fill a niche among other psychiatric meetings and has achieved success in reaching that goal.


The Molecular Psychiatry Association (MPA) is dedicated to providing a safe and respectful environment for all participants, including members, staff, vendors, and attendees at all official MPA events regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, physical or mental disability, perceived disability, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by federal or pertinent state laws. MPA does not tolerate discrimination or any form of prohibited harassment and is committed to enforcing this Code of Conduct at its Annual Meeting or at any other MPA event. As a professional society, the MPA is committed to providing an atmosphere that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific and educational ideas. Furthermore, MPA upholds the philosophy of equal opportunity for and treatment of all meeting participants and staff in any venue. CLICK HERE to continue reading MPA’s Code of Conduct Policy.

Complex Psychiatry

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